The success of Jyoti CNC Automation Ltd has been phenomenal

Our Suppliers Are Our Growth Partners
The success of Jyoti CNC Automation Ltd has been phenomenal – having started as a maker of gear boxes for machines to presently making sophisticated CNC machine solutions for buyers across the world, Jyoti CNC continues to take giant strides in machining tech. DMI interacted with Parakram Jadeja, CMD, Jyoti CNC Automation Ltd, who has not only shaped his company’s success, but has also led his company into the Industry 4.0 paradigm in Europe with notable success. Edited excerpts.

The biggest factor that can be attributed to Jyoti CNC’s phenomenal success is its ability to spot opportunities ahead of the curve, be it seeing the potential of 5-axes machining technology that led to the Huron acquisition, or the launch of MTX 300, a multi-tasker, or foray into industry 4.0 in Europe. How have you acquired the ability to see the next big thing – is it your passion for of the game of Chess that you took up as a youngster?
Yes of course, in certain way you can say it so, very interestingly Chess is blend of art, science and sports. The act of “move” is the motive of life as well as chess. We learn little from victory and much from defeat. Making a decision is enough to define your position. When you see a good move, you look for a better one. One bad move doesn’t mean the end of the game. Never give up. Chess is not always about winning – sometimes it is only about learning.
Bringing advanced innovation to our business is big challenge and it has paid off through positioning us among leading machine tool builders in the country. We are the first one to bring contemporary trends and innovation in machine building making us a true technological leader in India. Introducing linear motor technology and manufacturing 5-axis CNC machines in India aligned us towards manufacturing excellence.
The Huron acquisition was much strategic in terms of learning, adopting and growing towards being world-class manufacturer and to prove our quality capabilities in the European market. To meet advance research requirement of aerospace and defence we have developed India’s first multitasking MTX 300 for service of nation, drawing attention of global manufacturers towards India. We are the first one to establish the R&D trend in machine-tool building in India through the Leonardo da Vinci R&D center.
Since the inception of Jyoti, it has been our dream to stay ahead of time through technology which also defines our mission of ‘Propelling Technology Prospering Life’. We call our factory as the ‘Temple of Technology’. We were the first to adopt backward integration which reduced our dependencies and made us a dominant CNC machine manufacturer.

Jyoti CNC Automation Ltd
Jyoti’s MTX 300 holds the distinction of being India’s first multitasking machine capable of doing many machining applications such as turning, milling, and additive manufacturing. Can you share with us the market response to the machine in India and Europe and the way ahead for this technology at Jyoti?
Developing MTX was very much an emotional decision as we wanted to show not only Jyoti’s capability but India’s capability to produce world-class manufacturing potential, which would lead to a reduced dependency on technology from abroad. Our aim was to dedicate this facility to defence and aerospace research to strengthen the nation’s position. The First MTX 300 was supplied to Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM). We received FIE Foundation Trust Award at IMTEX’17 Bangalore for designing and developing the first-ever Indian multi-tasking Machine.
Thus far we have got an encouraging response from domestic as well as European market. We call it our first step of success and we expect to advance consistently in the multitasking field.
To meet up focused demand of fastest drill-tap in Automobile, Surgical and Telecom industries Jyoti has developed high speed drill-tap center known as Tachyon Series. Given the upsurge in the smart-phone space in India particularly, how has been the response for the Tachyon series and how do you see it evolving?
The name Tachyon was dedicated to the contribution of two Indian scientists named V. K. Deshpande & E. C. G. Sudarshan for their research on Tachyon Particles which are theoretically postulated particles that travel faster than light. Similarly, the machine is superior in speed and performance in its class. Since conceptualization, Tachyon is focused for the global market to match the present need of manufacturing world for highly reliable and high-speed performance. Tachyon, which symbolizes speed to achieve excellent cycle time with almost nil loading-unloading time, is the need of booming smart phone and electronics market.
The share of exports in Jyoti’s business turnover is about 20 percent. The target that you’ve set according to your recent media quotes is about 30 to 40 percent and more. What are your plans and strategy to achieve and surpass the target?
Export business requires market presence to gain confidence of customers. Along with Europe, we have our market presence in all the continents either through direct dealing or with our channel partner. Our recent openings in the USA and China were big moves taken to expand our business network to these territories. Export demands much quality and performance orientation. As Jyoti is a conscious corporation, we have raised our own quality standards time and again to meet our customers’ needs. We have developed a special assembly line for all the export orders. Sophistication and safety criteria are exactly match-to-order. We have fulfilled CE certification requirement for export machines. Machine appearance and aesthetics are also dominating factors for export orders. Our “nvu” series machines are reflections of the same. As we are aligning with all our targets, we are confident to meet our projected targets in the export business too.
It is very tough for machine technology MNCs based in India to establish and expand their export footprint in Europe. However, in a short span of time, Jyoti’s exports to Europe, particularly Germany,France and Netherland have reached 20 percent. What is the secret behind the unprecedented success?
Here we have been gained from our decision to acquire Huron. Since the acquisition we have made a lot of effort to learn, develop, and adopt the European market scene. Huron, with its experience and expertise in machine tools since 1857, has had a significant impact on footprint in the European market. In fact, we have been able to achieve manufacturing excellence through catering to the European market. Our efforts are acknowledged through an increasing demand for our products and solutions in the European countries.
Jyoti CNC took a big step toward offering Industry 4.0 with its Machine Shops initiative launched In 2016-17 to its customers in Europe where customers can not only order machines online, but also configure, monitor and generate reports.
Development in the field of IoT has had a wider impact and found broader applications in the making of Smart Factory. Flexibility of control makes machines more TPM aligned thus doing away with unscheduled downtime. Jyoti has developed a special software named 7th Sense as a step forward in the area of Industry 4.0.
You have termed your company as a ‘conscious corporation’, quoting your suppliers who say that working with Jyoti is an easy job. Please elaborate
I would rather address them as Channel Supporters than Suppliers. In fact we are demanding in nature in a sense to do business with but the bonds that we have created with our channel supporter over a period have made our success possible. We have always approached our suppliers as our growth partners. They have played bigger role in our success story — be it a small regional supplier or market giants like Siemens, Fanuc, Kitagawa, Hiwin, Schaeffler and many more. Our aim is to have bi-directional growth in business integrating with our channel partners.