Upgrading Productivity: Embracing the Future
Today’s globalized and hyper-connected world expects manufacturers to be productive in ways that are sustainable, consumer-focused, and globally competitive. Do we need new paradigms to determine and enhance productivity?
Date: Wednesday, 12 July 2023 | Time: [ 3 pm to 4.30 pm]
This Makers & Movers episode will have senior manufacturing professionals from high-performing manufacturing organizations share their thoughts and experiences on how manufacturing productivity, in their sectors, and across the industry, adapt to and match these growing expectations.
Who Should Attend?
CXOs, Head of Manufacturing, Industrial/Manufacturing Engineer, Product Design Engineer, CAD/CAM Programmer, CNC Machinist, Product Development Engineer, R&D Manager, and students.
Register Now – https://makersandmovers2023.exposim.io/
Productivity is the central measure that determines the performance and success of manufacturing for all its stakeholders, including customers and investors.
Productivity measurement has a long-documented history, dating back to Adam Smith’s notion (1776) of productive and unproductive labor. With time, in addition to labor, other determinants like manufacturing cycle time, cost per unit, human skills and technological knowledge, natural resources, and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) have joined the list of factors that determine factory productivity. A commonly used productivity measurement method like Multifactor Productivity (MFP), also known as Total Factor Productivity (TFP), takes into account inputs like capital, labor, equipment, time and material.
With advancements in technology like digitalization, advanced analytics, and generative design, a lot more has come to be expected of manufacturing productivity. For example, is it helping the processes and products achieve more sustainability? Is it incorporating good manufacturing practices that consider the health and safety of the end-consumer? Expectations like these are increasingly being placed on the manufacturing leaders across the world, and particularly so in India’s vibrant industrial sectors like automotive, aerospace, and machine tools.
This Makers & Movers episode will have senior manufacturing professionals from high-performing manufacturing organizations to share their thoughts and experiences on how manufacturing productivity, in their sectors, and across the industry, adopt to and match these growing expectations.

Register Now – https://makersandmovers2023.exposim.io/