Innovative STUDER technologies at the GrindingHub

From entry-level machines to sophisticated system solutions: STUDER offers every-thing from a single source in universal, external, internal and non-circular grinding. At this year’s GrindingHub, the Swiss quality manufacturer will be showcasing cutting-edge technologies from its current portfolio, including innovative developments in the entry-level segment, complex system machines and automation solutions.

Maximum precision in cylindrical grinding with the usual high STUDER quality: This also applies to the entry-level segment of the Swiss machine manufacturer. Models such as the favorit, favoritCNC and the S100 combine the best of both worlds with economical standardization and top quality. At GrindingHub, the popular and versatile CNC universal external grinding machine favorit will be on display for the first time with the full C.O.R.E. equipment including the high-resolution 24-inch touch control panel. Trade visitors will also be able to see for themselves the high grinding accura-cy of the CNC universal internal cylindrical grinding machine S100, which was launched in fall 2022, with its excellent price-performance ratio and wide range of applications.
STUDER presents new automation system insertLoad
Customers can also rely on STUDER for complex system solutions for the manufac-ture of high-quality components in individual, small or series production. Automation is becoming increasingly important in this area, as the technology ensures more effi-cient production and enables operators to do their work more easily, quickly, safely and with consistently high quality. STUDER has therefore developed optimum auto-mation solutions for a wide range of applications: easyLoad (for the S31, S33, S41, S22, S36), ecoLoad (for the S22), smartLoad (for the S11), uniLoad (for the S31, S33, S36) and the roboLoad (for the S121, S131, S141 radius machines for internal cylindrical grinding).
The latest automation solution will also be on display at GrindingHub this year: the insertLoad together with the S31 universal external grinding machine. This automa-tion solution combines the advantages of standardization and great flexibility and can be operated via the C.O.R.E. Panel. As a versatile universal external grinding ma-chine, the S31 is suitable for small to large workpieces with different production re-quirements in individual, small and large series production thanks to its modular sys-tem and high configurability. The insertLoad can be used to automate the STUDER S31, S33 and S36 machines. The roboLoad will also be demonstrating its capabilities in the exhibition area at the S131. Radius machines for internal cylindrical grinding such as the S131 are mostly used in the packaging industry, where complex work-pieces made of carbide and ceramics often have to be machined. STUDER has de-veloped the roboLoad especially for this sector, which can now also be operated via C.O.R.E.
WireDress® and SmartJet® grinding technologies
STUDER is known for its innovative grinding technologies, which are world-leading in the industry. The in-house developed WireDress® dressing process allows for short-er auxilary times, higher precision and more economical work when grinding with metal-bonded CBN and diamond grinding wheels. The process, which is based on the basic principles of wire electro-erosion, can conveniently profile and sharpen cor-responding grinding wheels with maximum accuracy directly in the machine. The numerous advantages include around 70 percent less wheel wear and at least 30 percent more grinding power.
With the innovative SmartJet® technology from STUDER, customers achieve an op-timized coolant supply that is unique in the industry and requires up to 40 percent less water and up to 50 percent less energy compared to conventional solutions. The system works with coordinated high-tech components, state-of-the-art sensor tech-nology and 3D-printed nozzles.
New features for C.O.R.E. and STUDER software
When it comes to high technology, digital development for intuitive operation, effi-cient production, state-of-the-art sensor technology, smart data processing and visu-alization as well as networking and automation capabilities are particularly important for STUDER. In this area, there are important innovations in C.O.R.E., the revolu-tionary hardware and software architecture for machines from the UNITED GRIND-ING Group. All standardized automation solutions from STUDER can now be operat-ed via the intuitive, icon-based C.O.R.E. Panel. In addition, the implementation of C.O.R.E. in the portfolio has been further expanded so that all planned universal, external and internal cylindrical grinding machines from STUDER have now been equipped with it. In addition to the favorit, this now also applies to the S11 production cylindrical grinding machine for small workpieces, which is now also equipped with StuderWIN.

There are also innovative developments in STUDER software. For example, InOneThread – a new solution that significantly simplifies the grinding operation of threads – will be released shortly. For single-part production, InOneThread masters pre- and finish grinding, measuring stops, temporary correction options and various intermediate dressing variants. In series production, customers benefit from time-optimized positioning of pre-machined threads and travel-optimized thread grinding, among other things. StuderWIN, the in-house software for quick and easy control of grinding processes, also has new features. The latest enhancements include a new radius grinding cycle, a new cylindrical grinding pictogram for multiple grooving on the shoulder and add-on customer tools.
There is a state-of-the-art laser extension for InOneControl, the STUDER software for measuring the workpiece in the machine and important for the finishing of preci-sion components and quality control. This has new features for non-contact and high-precision laser measurement (STUDER LaserControl™). Thanks to new meas-uring strategies, accuracy has been improved even further. In addition, the air noz-zles for blowing off (cleaning) along the workpiece contour can now be programmed as separate tools.