SurfaceTechnology GERMANY 21–23 June 2022

Relaunch of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY this summer
From 21 to 23 June 2022, SurfaceTechnology GERMANY will be back! After a pandemic-induced hiatus in 2020, SurfaceTechnology GERMANY will return to the Stuttgart exhibition grounds– with a new person in charge.
Hannover, Germany. Preparations for a relaunch of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY at the Stuttgart Exhibition Center are already in full swing. SurfaceTechnology GERMANY is the main event for the surface technology industry as well as its users. “Despite the ongoing pandemic, we are looking forward to the event this summer and to seeing all the participating exhibitors, partners, and attendees at SurfaceTechnology GERMANY in Stuttgart.
Our exhibitors are in good spirits and the joy of being able to show solutions, products, and services, and network together, live, in June is overwhelming. For those companies and visitors who, for a variety of reasons, cannot actually attend the event in Stuttgart, we will make extended digital offerings available so that they, too, can be part of it. However, the focus of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY 2022 is clearly on a physical, on-site event,” says Hendrik Engelking, Global Director at Deutsche Messe. Engelking took charge of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY, parts2clean, INTERSCHUTZ, and LIGNA on 1 December.
This year’s SurfaceTechnology GERMANY will focus on climate and environment-friendly processes, resource efficiency, and sustainability. Exhibition topics include electroplating, abrasive blasting, nano and microtechnology, thermal spraying, industrial plasma, and laser surface technology, coating materials, surface treatment, environmental protection and supply technology, services, pretreatment, and cleaning, plus measuring, testing, and analysis technology.
The specialist forum, with its more than 40 presentations and discussions, will provide insights into the latest research findings, with the experts on hand to discuss future technological developments as well as the digital transformation of surface technology.