How to Increase Factory Security

Measures for effective factory security
Running a factory comes with a considerable amount of responsibility. You have to juggle efficiency, worker safety and industry regulations, to name a few things. While you’re managing all these business aspects, you should be careful not to forget about security.
Security in a factory is just as significant a concern as it is in retail or finance. Your facility is full of workers and expensive machinery, so you need to make sure they’re secure. Here are seven ways you can do that:
1. Conduct a Security Audit
You can’t expect to improve your security if you don’t know where you’re falling short. As such, your first step in revisiting your security protocols should be running a security audit. Third-party auditors can reveal weak points you didn’t realize you had.
Once you have your audit results, you can use them to guide your security strategy. Every situation is unique, so this information will help you see what things you require to address your needs.
2. Install CCTV Systems
No matter the size, type or location of your facility, installing cameras is a worthwhile measure. In 65% of criminal cases where closed-circuit television (CCTV) was available, law enforcement said it was useful to the investigation. The presence of cameras can also dissuade people from ever attempting a crime.
On top of reducing crimes like break-ins, having CCTVs may reduce your insurance premiums. These devices can also give your employees peace of mind as they work.
3. Pay Attention to Cybersecurity
Physical security shouldn’t be your only focus. Factories are becoming increasingly digitized as a part of Industry 4.0, which brings new risks. As you adopt new technologies, you need to ensure you secure your network.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) lists more than 1,200 known vulnerabilities in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies. You may want to conduct a cybersecurity audit to see how you could protect your network.
4. Monitor Building Access
Running a factory involves a lot of people going in and out of the building. To make sure no one slips through the cracks while this happens, restrict building access with keycards. When all employees check in and out of different rooms, you can see who was where at any given time.
If there’s an issue in a specific room, you can check keycard logs to see who was there. This system may also prevent unwanted behavior since workers know you can monitor room access.
5. Install Bollards Around the Exterior
You should also think about security around your facility’s exterior. An out-of-control vehicle could crash onto your premises and destroy property or endanger employees. These accidents caused 500 deaths and 4,000 injuries in 2013, so you should take them seriously.
Crash-resistant bollards can keep these incidents from endangering your facility. They can save lives and prevent millions of dollars in property damage.
6. Emphasize Security Measures in Training
You can avoid a lot of security incidents by reducing human error. Workers could forget to lock doors or check into areas, leaving you vulnerable. After you craft new security protocols, make sure everyone gets familiar with them.
Repetition is the key to memory, so repeat critical policies as often as possible. You may even want to post signage reminding employees about your security protocols. The more you emphasize security, the less likely employees are to make mistakes.
7. Review Your Security Regularly
Security isn’t something you can address once and then never again. You should periodically conduct additional security audits to measure the effectiveness of your actions. You may find that you don’t need some measures or that you require additional ones.
Without these reviews, it can be challenging to know if your security protocols work or not. Instead of waiting for an event to test their efficacy, turn to an auditor.
Keep Your Facility Safe
A security breach could mean substantial monetary losses or harm to your employees. You can never be too secure, so revisit your security protocols today. Follow these seven steps, and you can make your factory a safer place for everyone.
Written By
Martin Banks
Editor in Chief ( MODDED)