Industrial transformation – made in OstWestfalenLippe

33 exhibitors show solutions at Hannover Messe
Paderborn. AI and sustainability – these are the key topics with which the Leading-Edge Cluster it’s OWL is presenting itself at this year’s Hannover Messe from the 17th to 21st April. At the OWL joint stand, organised by OstWestfalenLippe GmbH, owl maschinenbau and the it’s OWL cluster management, 33 companies, research institutions and networks will be presenting solutions and experiences. The topics are machine learning, climate-neutral production, innovative energy management, intelligent product development and the working world of the future.
With the Leading-Edge Cluster it’s OWL – Intelligent Technical Systems OstWestfalenLippe – the region is a pioneer for artificial intelligence and industrial transformation. At the fair, companies and research institutions will present new solutions for artificial intelligence in manufacturing, product development and the working world.

Virtual model of a human being and platform for AI in product development
At a demonstrator of the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, visitors can experience, for instance, how ergonomics at industrial workplaces are analysed by motion capture and optimised with the help of artificial intelligence: 6 sensors determine the precise position of every part of the body so that a virtual model of a human being, his posture and his movements is created. On this virtual model, ergonomic measurements are possible without interruptions and spatial limitations. The solution was developed in the Competence Centre Arbeitswelt.Plus, in which 20 companies and research institutions are developing the potential of artificial intelligence for the improvement of working conditions and the teaching of skills.
Whether an AI-supported vehicle diagnosis or the optimisation of construction data – the potentials of artificial intelligence in engineering are manifold. This is precisely where the AI Marketplace comes in. Providers, users, and experts can develop AI solutions together on one platform and exchange ideas. The functional platform with app store and development environment will be presented to the professional world for the first time in Hannover. This enables companies to increase their development capacities and the efficiency of development projects by almost 20 percent and reduce subsequent manufacturing costs by around 13 percent. Hella Gutmann Solutions, for example, shows how well the AI Marketplace works. With the help of the platform, the company has developed an AI-supported vehicle diagnosis to automatically detect defective components and thus support workshop employees.

Sustainable business and climate-neutral production – we show how it’s done!
The competences and experiences in the fields of AI are an important success factor for sustainable economic activity. Against this backdrop, the OstWestfalenLippe region has the best prerequisites to distinguish itself as a model region for sustainable value creation. Numerous solutions have already been developed in the projects of the Leading-Edge Cluster it’s OWL, which will be presented to the experts in Hannover. These include, for example, the reduction of CO2 in production, intelligent automation solutions for wind energy, electrification, and intelligent energy management as well as circular value creation.
In the ‘Climate-Neutral Business OWL’ project, for example, companies GEA, Miele, NTT Data and Phoenix Contact are working together with the universities of Bielefeld and Paderborn to develop a concept for assessing and reducing greenhouse gas emissions along the value chain. For each stage of the value chain, emissions are included at the process and sub-product level and allocated to a product using suitable allocation methods. Through the integrated analysis of the polluters in their own production and along the value chain, companies can evaluate emissions according to their ecological and economic impact and derive strategic savings measures.
Start-ups for small and medium-sized enterprises
Together with start-up initiatives, new business models for the industry of the future will be presented. The Credular platform, for example, enables small and medium-sized enterprises to make a low-threshold entry into augmented and mixed reality technologies, in order to train, for instance, employees or to monitor and controll plants. Also, the JoBooking recruiting platform creates a network of companies, schools, and young people in order to make the transition from school to work as transparent and uncomplicated as possible for everyone involved.
Companies: Arvato Systems, Beckhoff, Boge, Böllhoff, Contact Software, dmc smartsystems, GEA, Lenze, Miele, Phoenix Contact, Wago, Weidmüller.
Universities and research institutes: FH Bielefeld, Fraunhofer IEM, Fraunhofer IOSB-INA, inIT TH OWL, TH OWL, University of Bielefeld, University of Paderborn.
Projects and networks: Cirquality OWL, Datenfabrik.NRW, Excellence Start-up Center OWL, Founders Foundation, it’s owl Clustermanagement, KI Marktplatz, Kompetenzzentrum Arbeitswelt.Plus, Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Ruhr-OWL, OWL GmbH, owl maschinenbau, Open Innovation City, Think Tank OWL