Indian Supply Chain Industry Wanted More Women

How to Increase Women Participation in the Supply Chain & Logistics Industry
Date: [13-05-2022] | Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Shocking but true: India female labor force participation rate (FLFPR) – the share of working age women employed or available for work – is among the lowest in the world, and at the current 16 percent, the lowest in India’s own history. Most economies our size fare far better. America’s female participation is 55.8 percent; the UK’s is 57 percent, and our neighbor China is at 61 percent. (source: World Bank data).
Obviously, India is doing poorly on this front; and it’s getting worse. During the last 15 years, the participation rate has fallen by more than a third. And since 1990, it has halved.
For India’s supply chain and logistics sector, there is no research data indicating the participation of women, but if we take the manufacturing industry as an indicator, the share could be concerningly low – India’s manufacturing sector reports FLFPR ranging between 3 percent to 12 percent as per an 2021 GE and Avtar research and a 2018 study.
If we take the global percentage as an indication, a recent Gartner survey put the percentage at 49 percent for companies based mostly in the U.S, which is lower than average. It gets even scarcer at the top where on 5 percent of top-level supply chain positions are held by women, reported Industry Week. Naturally, questions abound: What are the main reasons behind such a low participation of women in the supply chain workforce? What are we doing about it?

On [13-05-2022], ourMakers & Movers thought leadership series will put the spotlight on the subject of The Participation of Women in the Supply Chain & Logistics Sectorwith industry thought leaders. The main talking points will be as follows:
- What are the reasons that could explain the abysmally low FLPR in the Indian workforce and the Indian supply chain sector in particular? Why is it so starkly different and low compared to countries that share our social and cultural mores?
- How sensitive and conducive, in your experience, is the workplace atmosphere in terms, amenities, and culture in Indian supply chain organizations to women’s participation and career growth?
- What should be the measures taken by corporations, government bodies, institutions, and individuals to improve this situation?
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