Celebrating 5 years of SweepSmart

SweepSmart celebrates its fifth anniversary
Amidst these turbulent times, it’s important to keep celebrating milestones. For us, it’s our 5-year anniversary. In these 5 years, we’ve learned and grown a lot. We plodded through the waste. We innovated and experimented, constantly looking for the best role for us to help change the system.
Why change the system? Mismanagement of waste is one of the biggest challenges the world faces today. In most upcoming economies, more than 80% of waste is openly dumped or burnt, while millions of waste pickers work under severe conditions. To solve this huge problem, 500.000 people need to be connected to waste management systems every day until 2040.
We started SweepSmart in 2016 because we believe we bring something unique to help solve this massive challenge: customizing European waste management best practices to upcoming economies. Now, with 5 years of pioneering experience in 4 countries in our backpacks, we have more to bring to the table than ever. So today, we present our new identity and the essence of what we want to deliver to the world

Happiness thrives if everybody wins!
We started our journey with the motto of “Turning waste into happiness”. Five years later, it is still at the core of what we do and more relevant than ever. Happiness is only possible if healthy economic growth goes hand in hand with social and environmental progress. In other words: happiness can only thrive if everybody wins!
This requires every community to have a modern and efficient waste management sector with an inclusive economic perspective. So that communities, governments, waste management companies, and waste workers benefit from more prosperity in balance with nature.
Therefore, we have redefined our mission:
To realize zero-waste eco-systems that make economic sense, serve the community, save the environment and create jobs to be proud of.

Customizing global best practices to upcoming economies
Growing awareness of plastic pollution and climate change are driving a movement towards zero waste ecosystems. But how can you realize smart waste management that entails a win for everybody? We help to make the leap from ambition to achievement! We have deep and longstanding experience in waste management around the world. Therefore, we know how to navigate the intricacies of waste management systems. We can help to build the right waste management solution based on global best practices tailored to the local situation.

We are SweepSmart. A business on a mission: to turn waste into happiness