BFW announces a wholly owned subsidiary m2nxt Solutions

BFW announces a wholly owned subsidiary m2nxt Solutions
To provide Smart Manufacturing Solutions addressing Industry 4.0 needs of manufacturing segment.
Bangalore. June 27, 2019.
Today, Bharat Fritz Werner Ltd. (BFW), India’s leading solution provider in the area of machine tools, announced the incorporation of a wholly owned subsidiary m2nxt Solutions. The new entity will provide complete offerings for Smart Manufacturing using both the Cyber and physical automation and solutions. Digitization and Automation are the next big disruption in the manufacturing sector. As an industry leader BFW, will be in the forefront of today’s Industrial Revolution. The Company will be a knowledge- based solution provider for advanced manufacturing processes including Jig & Fixtures, Industrial IoT, Robotics and Data Analytics. The vision of the company would be to help enhance profitability through enhanced productivity of manufacturing companies.
BFW has inaugurated its first digital factory in Hosur, Tamil Nadu in August 2018. BFW used all its Digital Knowledge and Competency to showcase productivity improvement in this Factory.
Speaking at the announcement Ravi Raghavan, Managing Director, Bharat Fritz Werner Ltd. (BFW) said, “The digital transformation is bringing sweeping paradigm shifts in the manufacturing segment. Our new subsidiary m2nxt Solutions will enable our clients to significantly enhance the efficiencies by creating Smart Manufacturing through Smart Process, Smart Machine and Smart People.”
Praful Shende, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, BFW said, “We are appropriately placed to enable Industry 4.0 ECO System for our Customers with all the three business verticals – Automation, Process Engineering & IIOT solutions.”
V Jagannath, Business Head, m2nxt Solutions said, “Under our new company, we are excited about bringing in a compelling value proposition for our clients to accomplish lean manufacturing.”
About BFW
Bharat Fritz Werner Limited. Bengaluru, (BFW) is India’s leading solution provider in the area of machine tools owned by Kothari Group is in operations since 1961. Over 40000 of our machines are in use across the globe and in some of the leading manufacturing companies.
BFW is enabling progress in every area of our business.